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 From Fortune teller to futurepreneur

August 12, 2024

From Fortune teller to futurepreneur, from Prediction to Creation: The Evolution of Our Relationship with the Future

The Past: Prediction in the Face of Ignorance

In the distant past, humanity's relationship with the future was one of uncertainty and powerlessness. Thousands of years ago, humans were driven by a deep desire to understand what lay ahead, but they were bound by the limitations of their knowledge and the lack of technological tools. In this era, predicting the future was the primary mechanism for coping with the unknown. Whether through divination, astrology, or prophecy, people sought to glimpse a determined future—one that was fixed and unchangeable. The hope was that by predicting it, they might influence or prepare for it, though more often than not, these predictions were wrong.

The future, in this ancient context, was seen as a singular, inevitable path. Without the understanding of science, technology, or the workings of the natural world, humanity could only guess at what was to come. This deterministic view of the future left little room for agency or creativity. It was a future to be feared or hoped for, but not one to be shaped.

The Recent Past: The Rise of Futures Studies in an Uncertain World

As humanity progressed, so did our understanding of the world. The past century brought about a significant shift in how we approached the future. With the rise of scientific knowledge and the advent of disciplines like physics, biology, and economics, we began to understand the forces that shape the future more clearly. This newfound knowledge, however, still lacked the power and tools necessary to shape the future with precision.

In this era, the concept of the future evolved from a single, determined path to a spectrum of possibilities. The complexity of the world, often described as VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous), led to the development of futures studies—a field dedicated to exploring multiple potential futures. We began to think in terms of possible, probable, plausible, and preferable futures.

The preferable future, in particular, became the focal point of our efforts. While we now had the knowledge to identify and analyze different futures, we still lacked the full capacity to bring about the future we most desired. The tools and technologies of the time—while advanced compared to ancient methods—were insufficient to realize the exact future we envisioned. Futures studies, therefore, became a vital discipline, helping societies to navigate uncertainty and strive towards the best possible outcomes, even if those outcomes were not fully within our control.

The Present and Future: Futurepreneurship and the Power to Create

Today, in the 21st century, we stand at the threshold of a new era in our relationship with the future. The convergence of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), gene editing, quantum computing, and robotics has fundamentally altered our capabilities. For the first time in history, we possess not only the knowledge but also the power and tools to actively shape the future with unprecedented precision.

This era marks the rise of futurepreneurship—a concept that transcends traditional entrepreneurship and futures studies. Futurepreneurship is not about predicting the future or merely studying it; it is about actively creating the future we want to live in. With the power of exponential technologies at our disposal, we are no longer bound to the passive role of observers or predictors. Instead, we can be the architects of our destiny.

As we move further into the 21st century, especially beyond 2024, the distinction between multiple futures may begin to blur. With the convergence of AI, AGI (artificial general intelligence), quantum computing, and other technologies, we could reach a point where we are capable of creating a singular, desired future—one that aligns with our highest aspirations and values.

In this new paradigm, the focus shifts from navigating uncertainty to exercising agency. The future is no longer something that happens to us; it is something we actively construct. As futurepreneurs, we are tasked with the responsibility of not just envisioning but also engineering the future. This marks a return to the idea of a singular future, but unlike in the past, this future is not one that we predict—it is one that we consciously and deliberately create.

The Future We Choose

The journey from predicting the future in the face of ignorance, to studying it with the aid of knowledge, and now to creating it with the power of technology, reflects the evolution of humanity's relationship with time and possibility. As we continue to advance, the role of futurepreneurship will become increasingly crucial. The future is no longer a distant, unknowable place. It is the product of our collective vision, knowledge, and will—a future that we can design, build, and inhabit.

As we embrace the tools and technologies of tomorrow, we must also embrace the responsibility that comes with them. The future is ours to shape. The question is no longer


"what will the future be?" but rather, "what future will we choose to create?"

Dana Marduk, Futurepreneur